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Try This Sun Mantra from Vedic Astrology to Level Up Your Life

Try using this simple mantra from Vedic astrology that helps you connect with the energy of the Sun, to maximize your health and confidence. Sūryā is a Sanskrit name for the Sun which means the “dispeller of darkness”. In the video below, we document the sound of the Sūryā Mantra: oṁ sūryāya namaḥ

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This recording is not meant to be an expression of musical talent, but rather to document the sound of the mantra. The mantra is chanted for 18 rounds, of 108 times per round. You can play the recording in the background while you do something else, or use the mantra yourself with meditation beads. This mantra can also be used with the Sūryā Namaskar, or “sun salutation” series of yoga poses, to connect with the Sun. This mantra has a strong connection with the pose pada hastasana.

Classical Sanskrit texts inform us that the most efficient way to take hold of the mind, and bring it into a meditative state, is through sound. In today’s world we are bombarded by sounds which influence our minds without our consent. Sometimes this influence is for the good, but most of the time it isn’t, and we are dragged down into a sea of marketing jingles, advertisements, gossip and general negativity.

Mantras are said to be a tool for meditation, which allow you to bring your mind back into your own hands through sound. They can also help us make peace with the energy of a planet, and achieve positive outcomes in life.

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The REAL Law of Attraction from Vedic Astrology that Changes Everything

So many articles exist online about the so called “law of attraction”, which offer you strategies for manifesting what you want in life. However, most of the advice they’ll give you doesn’t actually work when it’s put into practice in the real world. Learn about a simple technique from Vedic astrology that helps you get more out of life by understanding the significations of the planets. In the video below, we delve into the principle of “like attracts like”, and how wisdom from classical Sanskrit texts can help us understand how to maximize our potential.

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Many millions of dollars have been made by tricking people into thinking that if they just wish hard enough, or engage in silly self-help exercises, or practice pseudo-spirituality, or simply tell themselves over and over again that they are going to be successful or happy, that it will actually happen someday. These ideas are generally propagated by people who are only out to manipulate others into giving them money, and will tell people almost anything in order to accomplish their goal. However, what they won’t tell you is the one secret known by the sages of the ancient world, that actually works, and has the power to change your life forever. They won’t tell you, either because they don’t know about it, or because they belong to one of the secret societies who want to use ancient knowledge for their own benefit while preventing the public from ever finding out about it, so that you stay powerless and under control. 

What makes this situation even more unfortunate, is that many of those who seek out solutions for the difficulties they are facing in life are struggling with serious problems like poverty or misfortune, and the charlatans who prescribe them placebo remedies only give them false hope, which is eventually let down. After experiencing this let down it is hard not to give up, or lose faith in anything bigger than yourself altogether, and go back to living life as if it were a prison sentence to be carried out, with no meaning or purpose. If you want to find out about the one piece of information that could finally make a difference in your life, preserved by Vedic Rishis in ancient Sanskrit texts for the benefit of humanity as a whole, then keep reading. 

The Principle of “Like Attracts Like”

The secret I am referring to is the principle of “like attracts like”. This principle can be utilized with planetary significations from Vedic astrology to attract more of what you want in life. Things governed by a particular planet have a natural affinity in them for other things governed by that planet. Common phrases in our popular culture such as “you have to spend money to make money” demonstrate this point, as well as phrases from the Bible like “to those who have everything, more will be given”, and laws of modern science such as gravity, in which case the more mass there is collected around a singular point, the stronger the gravitational pull is around that point to attract even more mass to itself. If you leave a dirty dish in the sink, it is much more likely that the sink will fill up quickly with more unwashed dishes. 

How to Put this Principle to Use

So how can one take advantage of wisdom from Vedic astrology to put this idea to practical use? If, for example, someone were to want more freedom in life, which is a natural signification of the Sun, they could acquire that freedom by having less attachments tying them down, or in other words, by having more non-attachment, which is another signification of the Sun. 

If you want more money, which is a signification of Venus, then making sure to have clean and nice clothing, also Venus, is often recommended by astrologers. This point could be taken further by going through the list of everything Venus represents in life. Such as women, houses, cars, clothes, money, flowers, perfumes, jewelry, beauty and luxuriousness. Keeping a very clean and organized house is also a popular recommendation to attract wealth, expressed by a popular phrase in the Vedic tradition “the goddess of fortune never steps over an unclean threshold”. For example, Luxury retailers marketing their products to women often have beautiful entrance ways and interior design in their stores, and may even keep a bouquet of fresh flowers near the front door at all times. 

Young men seeking to appeal to the opposite sex can take a hint from this wisdom, as the famous ZZ Top song goes “girls go crazy for a sharp dressed man”. Any woman will tell you that one of the biggest turn-offs is a man who hasn’t groomed himself well. So, show up to pick up your ideal spouse in a dilapidated car, with disheveled clothing, long fingernails, unbrushed teeth, smelling like farts, with no money and see how well it works out. The only thing that might be able to save you in that situation is if you are incredibly attractive or charming, both of which just so happen to be other significations of Venus. 

“The Rich Get Richer, and The Poor Get Poorer”

Many of us have heard the expression “the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer”. It could be said that the happy get happier, the powerful get more powerful, the lonely get lonelier and the miserable get more miserable. This truth can be taken advantage of by understanding that if you have some of anything governed by a planet, it is easier to acquire more things under the rule of said planet. Married couples who are struggling to have children, a signification of Jupiter, often have better luck after turning to religiosity, traditional religion being ruled by Jupiter, to solve their infertility problems.

If you want strength then the best way to accumulate that strength is to engage in competition, ruled by the planet Mars. Mars also rules men, and if you owned a bar that you wanted to attract lots of men to, playing sports, or competitions, on big televisions would be a good start. However, if you put a bouquet of fresh flowers near the entrance at least some of them would probably say that it was out of place. Martial arts instructors discourage students from ever wearing their gi in public, because it makes others more likely to challenge them to a fight. 

If you want work, a signification of Saturn, you have to have tools, another signification of Saturn. This may, at first glance, seem to apply only to those in manual professions such as carpentry or construction. But if you examine the issue more closely, you’ll realize that any office worker would not be able to do their job without a computer or word processing program, and a surgeon would not be able to perform an operation without a scalpel. A lawyer would not be able to do his or her job without a pen, nor a teacher without chalk or a dry erase board. If you want all the hot gossip, represented by the planet Mercury, then you need to have friends, which are also related to Mercury. And if you want to have friends, you need to have the ability to communicate, which is another Mercurial signification. If you want to get an education you need to have literacy. 

The Secret Key to Tranquility

Mental peace is ruled by the moon and so is food. Interestingly enough, in an ancient text called the Mahabharat, it is recommended that if a man wants to experience a perfect and complete degree of mental peace then he should “eat only food which he has cooked himself” from scratch. This connection between food and happiness can be seen reflected into modern culture in the idea of “comfort food”, or a home cooked meal made with love aimed at pleasing others. Everyone is familiar with that idea of Grandma’s home cooked soup that has supernatural abilities to warm the spirit and fight off ailments. Those who are struggling with their mental tranquility are also often recommended to walk next to a stream or river to hear the calming sound of the flowing water, which is also ruled by the moon. Or, to watch the flowing waves of the ocean crash in on the shore, or to watch fish swimming in an aquarium. Travel is also signified by the moon, and babies who won’t stop crying often calm down and fall asleep when they are driven around in a vehicle. 

The Most Effective Remedial Measures

An endless list of examples can be found of this principle at play, and it can be used successfully to attract what you want. If you want power, you need to develop confidence. If you want a strong career, you need to develop discipline. The list goes on and on, and some not so obvious connections can be found, if the significations of planets contained in classical texts are consulted. For example grief and chronic pain are ruled by Saturn, and so are the poor and downtrodden. So, if someone were to want freedom from chronic grief or melancholia, then engaging in some selfless service toward the poor or sick or elderly or misfortunate would be the appropriate cure. To get even more abstract, birds are ruled by Saturn, and so feeding birds and being kind to them is said to ward off the misfortunes caused by Saturn. Conversely, if for some reason you were to want to become depressed, then you should never bathe or clean your house, you should wear old torn clothing, eat spoiled food, sleep as much as possible and be mean to elderly people. 

You would definitely start to accrue more of what the negative aspects of Saturn represent in your life, and consequently become more depressed and misfortunate. 

If someone were suffering from cowardice or a lack of bravery, which is represented by the planet Mars, exposure therapy would be the only way out from this condition. Even a modern psychologist would recommend that the more they voluntarily engage in conflict and confrontation, which is also Mars, the more brave and the less afraid they will be. If you want to feel optimistic about your future, optimism, being ruled by the planet Jupiter, then you need to make a plan, or in other words a strategy, something that is also governed by Jupiter. And you may benefit greatly by finding a mentor, also ruled by Jupiter, to help you come up with that strategy to accomplish your goals.

“Who You Associate With is Who You Become”

If you want more of anything represented by a particular planet, which is anything that you could want in life, then surround yourself as much as humanly possible with the things represented by that planet. Also, try to acquire the positive character traits associated with that planet. The most efficient way to accomplish this task would be to associate with others who already embody those qualities. 

If you apply this one secret from the ancient Vedic literatures in your life as diligently as possible, you will see pronounced changes taking effect, and gain the ability to overcome many of the problems you may be facing. You will gain the ability to achieve greater prosperity, and the accomplishment of your goals. You may even find a deeper sense of meaning in life and connection to the Universe than you ever have before.

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Achieve Goals Fast in 2025 with Ashwini Nakshatra

Find out why many of us fail to make permanent changes with our New Year’s resolutions, and how starting our goals at an auspicious time can make a world of difference. In the video below, we delve into the nature of Ashwini nakshatra from Vedic astrology, and how beginning a new discipline during this nakshatra sets our goals up for success.

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As another new year begins, many of us are having more thoughts and conversations about New Year’s resolutions. Before you roll your eyes, consider these questions. How many New Year’s resolutions have you made? More importantly, how many have you actually followed through to completion, or at least, mostly to completion? How long did you stick to your goal before it became too difficult to maintain?

Of course, the underlying intention is good, in motivating people to make New Year’s resolutions. They offer us a chance to reflect on the past year, make improvements, and focus on becoming the best version of ourselves in the year ahead. A person should strive to set meaningful goals, create positive habits, and achieve personal growth in his or her life. 

Yet, people often fail to keep New Year’s resolutions. This is due to the setting of unrealistic goals, a lack of clear planning, and insufficient motivation. Additionally, individuals may struggle to stay consistent, or they may face setbacks that make it hard to stay committed.

But what if we told you there was a way that you could harness the power of the stars, to have a better chance of achieving your desired outcome? If you’re ready to set your New Year goals up for success from the very start, keep reading. All you need to do is select the right timing using a particular nakshatra from Vedic astrology.

How Nakshatras Work

The Moon’s position in a particular nakshatra at any given time has a significant influence over the end results of activities which are started during that nakshatra. Each nakshatra is associated with a unique combination of cosmic, symbolic, and mythological energies. Some are positive, and some are negative. Some are conducive to success, and some, destruction. Using nakshatras to time or plan specific events can be extremely helpful in your journey toward finding success.

In this article, we will focus on the very first nakshatra, Ashwini, and how implementing your 2025 New Year’s resolution, especially if it has to do with health or physical fitness, on the day of Aswhini nakshatra, can make all the difference in your ability to follow through, and achieve your goals successfully.

Why would starting a new goal, especially one centered around self-improvement, during Ashwini nakshatra make a difference? To answer that question, let’s first take a deeper look into the themes surrounding the nakshatra of Ashwini.

Ashwini Nakshatra Animal

The animal that represents Ashwini is a horse. Interestingly enough, the name “ashwini” has the same root in Sanskrit as the word “ashwagandha”, a popular health supplement from Ayurvedic medicine. What comes to mind when you think of a horse and its natural animalistic behaviors? Horses are powerful, spirited, balanced, and have a keen sense to avert danger. They are always ready to run fast and free in whatever direction they choose. Apply a horse’s nature to yourself. Ashwini energy allows for strong, fast and free movement towards the achievement of any goal in your life.

As an interesting side note, even in Feng Shui, the image of a running horse placed correctly in your home or office is said to unconsciously motivate you toward achieving your goals.

Nakshatra Element

The element of Ashwini nakshatra is fire. Besides heat, fire is light, which is the fastest moving thing in the universe. Light also removes darkness, which adds a sense of hope and positivity to this nakshatra. Apply this notion to your own goal setting. Self-improvement can remove darkness from your life and brighten your overall sense of being. The element of fire also burns up impurities in the body, improving health and vitality.

Ashwini Kumaras

The Aswhini Kumaras are considered the ruling deity of this nakshatra. Kumara is a name in the Sanskrit language that can identify a prince, and princes hold power and status. Kumara can also signify a child or youthfulness. The Aswhini Kumaras are twins and one of the twins is a healer.

These deities in the Vedic tradition, are known for being physicians who perform healing miracles, and awaken the consciousness of others. The twins are the sons of the solar deity Surya, and are responsible for pulling the Sun’s chariot. Because of this, they help bring the first ray of sunlight into the sky each morning. This new beginning that happens each day can correlate to any new beginning someone may want to experience. Any new objective you start that focuses on healing, health, or self-improvement is already in line with the nature of Ashwini nakshatra.

Nakshatra Quality

This nakshatra’s quality is considered kshipra, or swift. It’s a very auspicious nakshatra to start any activities which you hope will have a quick result. Consider the example of getting in shape. Most people attempting to become more physically fit prefer the process to move quickly, rather than slowly, right?

Of course, any goal or objective you hope to achieve will require your dedication and effort. However, why not take advantage of the assistance which the natural cosmic energies that already exist can offer, and begin a new endeavor when the moon enters Awshini nakshatra.

How To Take Advantage of Ashwini Nakshatra

To summarize, the energies represented by Aswhini nakshatra include new beginnings, speed, power, positivity, and healing. For this new year, try starting your resolution on an Ashwini nakshatra day and notice the difference in your ability to get results. You can feel confident that the energy of Ashwini nakshatra is positively influencing your motivation and attainment of the new goal. Here are the first three dates on which Ashwini nakshatra falls, in 2025:

  • January 7th
  • February 4th
  • March 3rd

These dates and times are given in US Central Standard Time. Make sure you adjust the time zone to fit your location, as nakshatra timings can vary depending on your physical location. If you need help doing this, just use our free nakshatra calculator.