Our Mission

Our goal is to help others achieve better outcomes in life with practically useful information from classical occult traditions. These traditions include:

  • Jyotish – also called Vedic astrology, the most ancient and complete system of astrology
  • Feng Shui – laws of spatial arrangement originating from Ancient China, designed to maximize luck and reduce misfortune for the occupants of a space
  • Vastu Shastra – architectural science from Ancient India, a method of creating harmonious living environments

We study ancient texts and classical systems of knowledge, to bring out the most helpful wisdom for the betterment of our modern lives.

Atma is a word from the Sanskrit language which means “the self” as a conscious living entity. In Vedic philosophy, the atma is the true identity of an individual on the deepest level. To realize this identity was considered the culmination of the journey of self discovery for the yogis and sages of the ancient world. The word “occult” is from the latin occultus which means “that which is hidden from sight”. It is often used to categorize subjects like astrology, numerology, and mysticism. It refers to everything which cannot be seen physically, but nevertheless has an effect on our lives and our minds.

Classical Wisdom as a Means to Alleviate Suffering

Almost every aspect of our modern lives today is permeated by suffering. Although the ancients recognized suffering to be a fact of life thousands of years ago, there certainly seems to be more of it than necessary now. What’s the reason for this? There are many. However, one major contributing factor to our present condition is the predominance of materialistic rationalism as a system of thought in our modern societies.

Rationalism encourages us to abandon every connection we have to the metaphysical, and make our decisions without help from any classical tradition. Although this has been marketed to us as empowering, it actually creates what the famous psychologist Viktor Frankl referred to as an “existential vacuum”. This phenomenon is characterized in an individual by the feeling of an absence of meaning.

Why is an Absence of Meaning so Prevalent in our World Today?

Starting from the early twentieth century, much of the media we consume has been designed to champion rationalistic ideas, in order to capitalize on our resultant lack of identity. If you want to know more about this history, look into the work of public relations consultant Edward Bernays. It turns out, that when our lives lack meaning, it is very easy for someone else to manipulate our opinions. Although this is convenient for anyone seeking to benefit from our collective beliefs, it is not convenient for us. It takes away our independence, and prevents us from finding greater fulfillment.

Many of us who grew up in modern society don’t realize one simple fact that provides a solution for this problem. If you research deeply enough into the ancient texts of any tradition (regardless of cultural or linguistic context), you’ll find not only meaning, but a wealth of practically useful information. This information opens up an opportunity for us to live a better life, with less problems, and more of whatever it is that we might want.

What About Atma Occult Makes Us Different?

Our approach is to provide clients with the knowledge and tools they need to more easily achieve their goals. In our consultations, we strive to provide you with genuinely meaningful information and strategies which, when implemented, should have some objective outcome in your life. The sources of the techniques we use are the classical texts themselves, combined with our practical experience and observations over time. We use many different methods to find a confluence of factors in your unique situation, which we can then interpret to point you in the right direction. In our Vedic astrology consultations, we utilize a range of techniques such as:

  • Parashari Jyotish
  • Jaimini Sutram
  • Bhrigu Nandi Nadi

In our Feng Shui consultations we utilize the following techniques:

  • Land and Building Formations
  • Eight Mansions
  • Flying Stars

In our consultations you will not receive meaningless “woo woo” interpretations of your information that won’t make any real difference in your life. You will receive the most meaningful and authoritative information that we can provide, utilizing classical texts and our personal experience as resources.