What is Vedic Numerology?
Numbers play a significant role in our daily lives. Whether we attribute meaning to them or not, there is no doubt that we interface with numbers all the time. On a given day, you may give your phone number to a new client, write your birthdate down on a government form, or schedule a date for an important meeting. Vedic numerology is a system which seeks to understand the meanings of these numbers, as well as how they affect our luck and behavior.
The key to this system is the connection each number has with a particular planet from Vedic astrology. The number one represents the Sun, two is the Moon, three is Jupiter, four is Rahu, five is Mercury, six is Venus, seven is Ketu, eight is Saturn and nine is Mars. By understanding how the significations of the planets express themselves through the numbers in our lives, we can achieve a greater degree of self awareness, and even know which numbers are better for us to use than others.
Additionally, a numerical value is attributed to each letter of the alphabet. This means that the letters of your name will add up to a particular number, and this number will be more or less harmonious with other numbers in your life.
What a Numerology Analysis Can Reveal
A numerology analysis serves to give you insights into the various aspects of your life through the lens of numbers. From career, to relationships, to wealth, health and more, the numbers in your life play a role in the manifestation of your life path and unique destiny.
This consultation will look into three of the most important numbers in your life, the number of your day of birth (i.e., the 18th), the number of the full date of your birth (i.e., 6-18-1986), and the number derived by adding up the values of the letters of your name. As an example, if you were born on the 18th of the month, the number of your day of birth will be 1 + 8 which will equal 9. This is of primary significance to your life path. It can be used to determine things like what might be the best career path to pursue, relationship partner to choose, days of the week to time important events, etc.
The number of your full date of birth provides a secondary layer of interpretation (much like how a birth chart is read from the ascendant and the Moon in astrology). If it is the same number as the first one, it amplifies the significations of that number in your life. If it is a different number, it will alter how those significations express themselves.
The number of your name will interact with the first two numbers in some way every time someone calls you by that name. This is why we ask you to provide any nicknames or aliases you use, as some of these may be luckier for you than others.
Overall, it may seem like this analysis is simple in comparison to a more in-depth consultation. However, the wealth of information that your numbers hold is massive, and it can prove to be incredibly useful.

What Makes Us Different
In our consultations, we strive to provide you with meaningful information and strategies which, when implemented, should have some objective outcome in your life. Unlike many new age pseudo-spiritualists, we will not give you meaningless “woo woo” interpretations of your information that won’t make any real difference in your life. Although it’s important to remember that you’ll get out of these traditions what you’re willing to put into them, we at least want to set you up for the best possible chance of success. That’s why we study classical texts and experiment on ourselves with everything we learn, so we can spare you from what doesn’t work, and share with you what does.
It’s important for us to uphold the integrity of this science. So you can rest assured that we will put a lot of care into your consultation. We want everyone to be able to benefit from our services. Your numerology analysis will be broken down in a way that you can understand.
- Your day of birth number (i.e., the 18th)
- Your full birth date number (i.e., 6-18-1986)
- Your full name number
- Your first name number
- Your most used nickname or alias
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I benefit from Vedic numerology?
Numerology is the simplest snapshot technique of analyzing your life path overall, without going deep into your astrological birth charts. It provides a general overview of how you can take advantage of your strengths and stay conscious of your weaknesses. It can provide useful information about any area of life you might have questions about.
As practitioners, our job is to analyze your numerology as accurately as we can, and provide you with insights gathered from other cases and our own life experience. How you benefit from numerology is mostly up to your own wisdom and willpower.
What does a Vedic numerology analysis cover?
Although simple, a numerology analysis can be used to cover information about almost any area of life. It’s recommended that you order your consultation with a focus area in mind if you’re looking for a specific answer. Otherwise your report will be more generalized.
What should be in a numerology report?
A good numerology report should give you an interpretation of the significance of the numbers in your life, from your day of birth number to your full birth date number, as well as your name numbers, and how they interact with one another. These numbers provide information about your personality and life path, as well as other details such as birth dates which you get along with for romantic relationships, enemy numbers, lucky colors, etc.
A good report should also give you the answer you need for any question you want to be the focus of your consultation.
How should I ask my question?
Please provide any one question that you want us to use as a focal point for your analysis. There is no standard way of asking your question. Just make sure the question is clear. The better we understand what it is that you want to get out of your report, the better we can use what we know to give you the insights you need.
What kind of remedies do you offer?
When you are filling out the consultation request form, we will ask some questions to help us decide which remedies will be most effective for your unique situation.
Since Vedic numerology shares a strong connection with Vedic astrology, many remedial measures are available from the Vedic tradition. These include meditating with mantras or yantras, fasting on certain days, etc. However, if you are more likely to follow through with a remedial measure that is completely secular, or fits into an Abrahamic tradition, we can provide that instead.
The planets are universal. Their influence is present in every religion or non-religion that exists, whether they are acknowledged or not. The classical approach is not for you to simply believe this because someone said so, but for you to have a direct experience of it through your own experimentation.
Engagement Fee
Order Your Analysis
Numerology Analysis
10 – 15 minute audio recording
One question answered
Remedial measures