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Secrets of Sexual Compatibility from Vedic Astrology

Discover the surprising connection between your birth star and your sexual compatibility with your current or potential partner. In the video below, we’ll delve into the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology and explore how your nakṣatra yoni can reveal your perfect match.

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Have you ever felt that instant, undeniable spark with someone? That magnetic pull where everything just clicks? Have you noticed how animals instinctively know how to find their perfect mate? No dating apps, no swiping—just pure, natural connection. It’s almost like they’re tuned into something we can’t quite grasp.

None of this is just coincidence—if you look close enough there might just be something cosmic happening behind the scenes. What if we could tap into that same primal wisdom and use it to enhance our own relationships? In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating way that nature guides us toward finding our complimentary opposites, and how you might just be following your own cosmic instincts, without even knowing it.

Growing Interest In Astrological Compatibility

Horoscope matching is one of the most in-demand consultation services that so many people seek out from astrologers. This is because they want to gain a better understanding of their own relationships in life, and the modern world gives us almost no tools for accomplishing that goal. Or worse, it can even set us up for failure.

Perhaps you are single and looking for your ideal partner, or maybe you’re in a relationship already, and want to make sure the match can be lasting. Although an in-depth analysis for horoscope matching can be quite complicated and takes into account many factors from the birth charts of both partners, there’s no denying that sexual chemistry plays an important role in anyone’s love life.

Simplest Method for Seeing Harmony Between Two People

One of the most basic techniques used in kundli matching, or an astrological compatibility analysis, is what is called nakṣatra yoni. The word “yoni” in Sanskrit can have many meanings. In this context it can be translated to mean “genital” or “reproductive organ”. This technique is a beautiful way to see a majority of the compatibility between two people.

Each nakṣatra carries the energy of one unique animal. For example, the animal symbol for Ashwini nakṣatra is a male horse and the symbol of Shatabhisha is a female horse. The animal symbol of Chitra is a female tiger and the animal symbol of Uttara Phalguni is a male bull. As a general rule, certain yonis have a natural harmony with one another, while others might clash.

Out of the twenty-seven nakṣatras, every male animal has a female counterpart. The only exception is Uttara Ashadha, which is symbolized by a male mongoose that has no counterpart. It is for this reason that people with a prominence of Uttara Ashadha nakṣatra in their birth chart are said to have difficulty finding a permanent mate.

Predators and Prey

Just as it would be true in nature, two people who share the same animal category would have the most sexual compatibility. Two people who have enemy animal symbols would have the least sexual compatibility. Imagine the natural attraction between a male and female horse versus the deadly encounter of a deer meeting a tiger. What behaviors might occur when a cat encounters a rat? One becomes the predator, and one the prey.

Of course, the chemistry between two individuals can land somewhere between these extreme ends of the spectrum, so you can think of this almost like an intensity scale for sexual compatibility. Some animal yonis are neutral to each other or even friendly. Some pairs are considered very compatible because their energies match well, while others might require a little more effort to get onto the same page.

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The best part about yoni matching is that you can use common knowledge already known about animals to give you a hint about how the sexual compatibility will be. When you think of a cat, what energy comes to mind? Cats can be moody and typically only want affection on their own terms. Consider the energy of a monkey. Monkeys love to move around as they swing from branch to branch. They can be quite clever and are concerned with hygiene. Any individual with one of these animal yonis will likely carry a similar energy in their own personality, especially when it comes to sex.   

If the animal yonis of you and your partner aren’t perfectly harmonious, it doesn’t mean the relationship is doomed—it just means you’ll need to work through some differences in your physical and emotional dynamics. Plus, there is much more to consider when doing a full analysis of two horoscopes for relationship compatibility, so be careful not to jump to conclusions too quickly. 

How To Find Your Own Animal Symbol

You just need to know your nakṣatra, which is based on the position of the moon at the time of your birth. Once you know what your nakṣatra is, you can find out which yoni corresponds to that nakṣatra. From there, you can look at your current or potential partner’s yoni and see how the two match up!

Here is a list of animal symbols for each nakṣatra, for your reference:

  • ashwini = male horse
  • bharani = male elephant
  • krittika = female sheep
  • rohini = male serpent
  • mrigashira = female serpent
  • ardra = female dog
  • punarvasu = female cat
  • pushya = male sheep
  • ashlesha = male cat
  • magha = male rat
  • purva phalguni = female rat
  • uttara phalguni = male cow
  • hasta = female buffalo
  • chitra = female tiger
  • swati = male buffalo
  • vishakha = male tiger
  • anuradha = female deer
  • jyestha = male deer
  • mula = male dog
  • purva ashadha = male monkey
  • uttara ashadha = male mongoose
  • shravana = female monkey
  • dhanistha = female lion
  • shatabhisha = female horse
  • purva bhadrapada = male lion
  • uttara bhadrapada = female cow
  • revati = female elephant

To find out what your nakṣatra is you can use our free nakṣatra calculator.

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Achieve Goals Fast in 2025 with Ashwini Nakshatra

Find out why many of us fail to make permanent changes with our New Year’s resolutions, and how starting our goals at an auspicious time can make a world of difference. In the video below, we delve into the nature of Ashwini nakshatra from Vedic astrology, and how beginning a new discipline during this nakshatra sets our goals up for success.

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As another new year begins, many of us are having more thoughts and conversations about New Year’s resolutions. Before you roll your eyes, consider these questions. How many New Year’s resolutions have you made? More importantly, how many have you actually followed through to completion, or at least, mostly to completion? How long did you stick to your goal before it became too difficult to maintain?

Of course, the underlying intention is good, in motivating people to make New Year’s resolutions. They offer us a chance to reflect on the past year, make improvements, and focus on becoming the best version of ourselves in the year ahead. A person should strive to set meaningful goals, create positive habits, and achieve personal growth in his or her life. 

Yet, people often fail to keep New Year’s resolutions. This is due to the setting of unrealistic goals, a lack of clear planning, and insufficient motivation. Additionally, individuals may struggle to stay consistent, or they may face setbacks that make it hard to stay committed.

But what if we told you there was a way that you could harness the power of the stars, to have a better chance of achieving your desired outcome? If you’re ready to set your New Year goals up for success from the very start, keep reading. All you need to do is select the right timing using a particular nakshatra from Vedic astrology.

How Nakshatras Work

The Moon’s position in a particular nakshatra at any given time has a significant influence over the end results of activities which are started during that nakshatra. Each nakshatra is associated with a unique combination of cosmic, symbolic, and mythological energies. Some are positive, and some are negative. Some are conducive to success, and some, destruction. Using nakshatras to time or plan specific events can be extremely helpful in your journey toward finding success.

In this article, we will focus on the very first nakshatra, Ashwini, and how implementing your 2025 New Year’s resolution, especially if it has to do with health or physical fitness, on the day of Aswhini nakshatra, can make all the difference in your ability to follow through, and achieve your goals successfully.

Why would starting a new goal, especially one centered around self-improvement, during Ashwini nakshatra make a difference? To answer that question, let’s first take a deeper look into the themes surrounding the nakshatra of Ashwini.

Ashwini Nakshatra Animal

The animal that represents Ashwini is a horse. Interestingly enough, the name “ashwini” has the same root in Sanskrit as the word “ashwagandha”, a popular health supplement from Ayurvedic medicine. What comes to mind when you think of a horse and its natural animalistic behaviors? Horses are powerful, spirited, balanced, and have a keen sense to avert danger. They are always ready to run fast and free in whatever direction they choose. Apply a horse’s nature to yourself. Ashwini energy allows for strong, fast and free movement towards the achievement of any goal in your life.

As an interesting side note, even in Feng Shui, the image of a running horse placed correctly in your home or office is said to unconsciously motivate you toward achieving your goals.

Nakshatra Element

The element of Ashwini nakshatra is fire. Besides heat, fire is light, which is the fastest moving thing in the universe. Light also removes darkness, which adds a sense of hope and positivity to this nakshatra. Apply this notion to your own goal setting. Self-improvement can remove darkness from your life and brighten your overall sense of being. The element of fire also burns up impurities in the body, improving health and vitality.

Ashwini Kumaras

The Aswhini Kumaras are considered the ruling deity of this nakshatra. Kumara is a name in the Sanskrit language that can identify a prince, and princes hold power and status. Kumara can also signify a child or youthfulness. The Aswhini Kumaras are twins and one of the twins is a healer.

These deities in the Vedic tradition, are known for being physicians who perform healing miracles, and awaken the consciousness of others. The twins are the sons of the solar deity Surya, and are responsible for pulling the Sun’s chariot. Because of this, they help bring the first ray of sunlight into the sky each morning. This new beginning that happens each day can correlate to any new beginning someone may want to experience. Any new objective you start that focuses on healing, health, or self-improvement is already in line with the nature of Ashwini nakshatra.

Nakshatra Quality

This nakshatra’s quality is considered kshipra, or swift. It’s a very auspicious nakshatra to start any activities which you hope will have a quick result. Consider the example of getting in shape. Most people attempting to become more physically fit prefer the process to move quickly, rather than slowly, right?

Of course, any goal or objective you hope to achieve will require your dedication and effort. However, why not take advantage of the assistance which the natural cosmic energies that already exist can offer, and begin a new endeavor when the moon enters Awshini nakshatra.

How To Take Advantage of Ashwini Nakshatra

To summarize, the energies represented by Aswhini nakshatra include new beginnings, speed, power, positivity, and healing. For this new year, try starting your resolution on an Ashwini nakshatra day and notice the difference in your ability to get results. You can feel confident that the energy of Ashwini nakshatra is positively influencing your motivation and attainment of the new goal. Here are the first three dates on which Ashwini nakshatra falls, in 2025:

  • January 7th
  • February 4th
  • March 3rd

These dates and times are given in US Central Standard Time. Make sure you adjust the time zone to fit your location, as nakshatra timings can vary depending on your physical location. If you need help doing this, just use our free nakshatra calculator.

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Discover the Secrets of Nakshatras with Observational Astrology

In the video below, we delve into the fascinating realm of Nakshatras, also known as lunar mansions from Vedic astrology. Nakshatras hold the secrets to understanding human behavior, personality, and destiny. Watch to learn how you can gain deeper insights into the nature of each nakshatra through daily observation and journaling…

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What is Vedic astrology? As a brief overview, this form of astrology, also known as Jyotia, is an ancient Indian system of astrology that analyzes the positions and movements of celestial bodies to gain insights into human affairs and natural phenomena. It is based on the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts of India, and emphasizes the influence of planets, stars, and their alignments at the time of a person’s birth. Overall, Vedic astrology serves as a tool for self-discovery, enlightenment, and achievement of greater success.

What are Nakshatras?

In Vedic astrology, Nakshatras (also referred to as lunar mansions or “asterisms”) are a crucial component of the system, deeply influencing a person’s astrological profile. They are a set of twenty-seven constellations in the sky that work “behind the scenes” of each of the twelve zodiac signs. There are approximately 2.25 nakshatras contained within each zodiac sign. Each one adds its own unique traits to the planet which transits through it. Nakshatras offer a microscopic way to further pinpoint a person’s thoughts, behaviors, and astrological goals in life.

What is Observational Astrology?

Since the moon and the stars are constantly influencing our thoughts and actions, understanding these cosmic influences can vastly help individuals navigate their journeys through life with greater awareness and insight.

In Vedic astrology, the moon represents our mind and emotions. Because the moon travels through each nakshatra every one to one-and-a-half days, nakshatras impact our thoughts, feelings and actions every day. If we can learn how to utilize the varying energies of each nakshatra and their effects, we can enhance our own self awareness and better maneuver through the hurdles of life.

Some experts believe that the best way to recognize the cosmic influence that nakshatras provide, is to simply observe. Notice the life activities, incidents, and encounters that happen in your daily life. Write down these observations, and begin your journey towards using nakshatras to understand your own place in this universe.

How to Study Nakshatras

Nakshatras can indicate or even predict event occurrences in your life as well as have an impact on your thoughts and feelings. You can begin to study these impacts by simply observing. No experience or knowledge is needed. The beauty of astrology is how it can be understood even with basic and simplistic practices.

If  you already know the details of your birth chart, start with finding the nakshatra of your moon in your own birth chart. If you have not seen your own birth chart, you can find it online for free by searching something like “vedic birth chart calculator”, or you can use our birth chart calculator. However, you can still practice observational astrology and study the effects of the nakshatras in your life without using your own birth chart. Whenever you feel ready to start observing, find out what the nakshatra is for that day. You can easily find this information for free on the internet by searching something like “what is today’s nakshatra in my location?” (for example, “what is today’s nakshatra in Chicago, IL”). Start your observations when the moon transits over that nakshatra.

Write down your experiences each day such as:

  • what you watch
  • what you wear
  • what you eat
  • what you discuss
  • who you speak to
  • what topics or themes arose in your conversations

Notice any differences in your interactions with family, friends, or acquaintances on one nakshatra day versus another. 

Continue your observations for at least two full cycles of the moon over twenty-seven nakshatras, which would take around fifty-four days. The more you study each occurrence in detail, the better understanding you will have, especially as you go back over your notes and start to notice similarities.

How to Get Started

We created a journal which is specially designed to help you observe the influence of nakshatras. Our journal is simple to use and contains various prompts to get you started on your journey to better understanding this important component of Vedic Astrology.